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Messages from 83675

Article: 83675
Subject: How to add DCM as customized IP using FSL channel
From: "Aroul" <>
Date: 4 May 2005 18:42:51 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi All:

I am trying to add my custmozied IP with DCM module in it using FSL
channel. I am facing problem adding DCM module generated from IP &
Architecture Wizard.

I tried this: I used the DCM vhd file created by IP & Arch wizard and
added the same in .pao file. It created timing constraint problem
particularly in DCM module. I face this problem because I used the
wizard created DCM vhd file? How can I overcome this problem? Is there
any other way that I can use DCM module in my customized IP?

Please help me out.

The DCM vhd file that I used and the timing constraint details given
below (Please note that I changed the component under the label
"CLKIN_BUFG_INST" to "BUFG". As per original vhd file, the component
instantiated was "IBUFG". But it gave me the error ERROr:NgdBuild: 445
logical net 'xxx' has multiple drivers'. When I changed it to BUFG, I
did not face the ngdbuild error: 455):

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_off
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_on

entity DCM_Module is
   port ( CLKIN_IN        : in    std_logic;
          RST_IN          : in    std_logic;
          CLKDV_OUT       : out   std_logic;
          CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT : out   std_logic;
          CLK0_OUT        : out   std_logic;
          LOCKED_OUT      : out   std_logic);
end DCM_Module;

architecture BEHAVIORAL of DCM_Module is
   signal CLKDV_BUF       : std_logic;
   signal CLKFB_IN        : std_logic;
   signal CLKIN_IBUFG     : std_logic;
   signal CLK0_BUF        : std_logic;
   signal GND             : std_logic;
   component BUFG
      port ( I : in    std_logic;
             O : out   std_logic);
   end component;

   component DCM
      generic( CLK_FEEDBACK : string :=  "1X";
               CLKDV_DIVIDE : real :=  2.000000;
               CLKFX_DIVIDE : integer :=  1;
               CLKFX_MULTIPLY : integer :=  4;
               CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 : boolean :=  FALSE;
               CLKIN_PERIOD : real :=  0.000000;
               CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT : string :=  "NONE";
               DESKEW_ADJUST : string :=  "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS";
               DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE : string :=  "LOW";
               DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE : string :=  "LOW";
               DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION : boolean :=  TRUE;
               FACTORY_JF : bit_vector :=  x"C080";
               PHASE_SHIFT : integer :=  0;
               STARTUP_WAIT : boolean :=  FALSE;
               DSS_MODE : string :=  "NONE";
               MAXPERCLKIN : time :=  1000000 ps;
               MAXPERPSCLK : time :=  100000000 ps;
               SIM_CLKIN_CYCLE_JITTER : time :=  300 ps;
               SIM_CLKIN_PERIOD_JITTER : time :=  1000 ps);
      port ( CLKIN    : in    std_logic;
             CLKFB    : in    std_logic;
             RST      : in    std_logic;
             PSEN     : in    std_logic;
             PSINCDEC : in    std_logic;
             PSCLK    : in    std_logic;
             DSSEN    : in    std_logic;
             CLK0     : out   std_logic;
             CLK90    : out   std_logic;
             CLK180   : out   std_logic;
             CLK270   : out   std_logic;
             CLKDV    : out   std_logic;
             CLK2X    : out   std_logic;
             CLK2X180 : out   std_logic;
             CLKFX    : out   std_logic;
             CLKFX180 : out   std_logic;
             STATUS   : out   std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
             LOCKED   : out   std_logic;
             PSDONE   : out   std_logic);
   end component;

   GND <= '0';
      port map (I=>CLKDV_BUF,

      port map (I=>CLKIN_IN,

      port map (I=>CLK0_BUF,

   generic map( CLK_FEEDBACK => "1X",
            CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.000000,
            CLKFX_DIVIDE => 1,
            CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 4,
            CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 => FALSE,
            CLKIN_PERIOD => 10.000000,
            CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT => "NONE",
            DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW",
            DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE => "LOW",
            FACTORY_JF => x"C080",
            PHASE_SHIFT => 0,
            STARTUP_WAIT => TRUE)
      port map (CLKFB=>CLKFB_IN,


Timing constraint not met problem:::

Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
   This may be due to a setup or hold violation.

  Constraint                                | Requested  | Actual     |
                                            |            |            |
  NET "bufgp_2/IBUFG" PERIOD =  10 nS   HIG | 10.000ns   | 9.883ns    |
  H 50.000000 %                             |            |            |

  PERIOD analysis for net "wpt_0/wpt_0/inst | 10.000ns   | 8.254ns    |
  _WPT/Inst_DCM_Module/CLK0_BUF" derived fr |            |            |

  om  NET "bufgp_2/IBUFG" PERIOD =  10 nS   |            |            |

   HIGH 50.000000 %                         |            |            |

* PERIOD analysis for net "wpt_0/wpt_0/inst | 20.000ns   | 24.408ns   |
  _WPT/Inst_DCM_Module/CLKDV_BUF" derived f |            |            |

  rom  NET "bufgp_2/IBUFG" PERIOD =  10 nS  |            |            |

    HIGH 50.000000 %                        |            |            |


1 constraint not met.
Generating Pad Report.


Article: 83676
Subject: Re: Newbie VHDL/FPGA question
From: "Adam" <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 01:49:18 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

<> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a couple of questions regarding VHDL & synthesis for FPGA:
> 1) Are there any rule-of-thumb measurements for the max. no. of lines
> of code in a clocked process statement (I assume each extra code
> statement adds accumulated delays between successive clock edges) ?
> 2) Are there any good books that discuss issues relating to VHDL-FPGA
> synthesis i.e. exactly what code translates to & the various
> implications ?
> Many thanks
> Dave

1) Others have addressed this.

2) This is target specific as VHDL can be used on many different devices by
several vendors.  However, the book HDL Chip Design by Steven Smith shows
schematics for all VHDL and Verilog examples.  This will help you understand
some concepts such as when latches are inferred and how case statements are
dealt with but it won't help you optimize your design for a specific chip.

Article: 83677
Subject: Re: Timing and synthesis problem+xilinx
From: Jeremy Stringer <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 14:13:33 +1200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
williams wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using virtex 2 pro for a design of mine. When i am implementing
> the synethesized edf using ISE it is giving hold time violation on
> input clock for any frequency given during synthesis. I have given the
> clock to usaual IBUFG followed by BUFG but its giving delay..i guess
> so... How can i eleminate this problem?
> I have been integrating IP cores but the problem is some of the IP
> core works fine but when i do minor change on some other module and
> synthesize....the working IP stop working.... There is no resource
> problem as i am using only 20% of it and also my clock speeed is 20
> MHZ. Can some one point where may be the problem ?

Hold time violations that I've seen have generally been due to 
non-global clock routing resources being used - perhaps it would be 
worth looking at the design in fpga_editor and checking that the design 
has been implemented as you expect?

Otherwise, static timing analysis might tell you something about the 
path - could you post a small section of a signal for which it's failing?

The other indication that something's not quite right is the minor 
changes causing problems - again, I've seen this in designs that aren't 
purely synchronous, or in the case where local routing has been used. 
It indicates that when you resynthesise/map/par, the placement of the 
logic changes, and that the resulting placement is breaking the design. 
  This would indicate insufficient constraints, constraint violations, 
or asynch. logic.


Article: 83678
Subject: Re: Does this group allow JobPostings?
From: Mac <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 04:01:49 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Wed, 04 May 2005 14:32:26 -0700, EveEllsworth wrote:

> I am a senior technical recruiter with a very reputable firm, Common
> Agenda.  I have postitions to post in the SF Bay Area and very real.
> My client company is actively interviewing.
> Please advise if it is acceptable to post here.
> Eve Ellsworth
> Senior Recruiter
> Common Agenda, LLP
> Tel: (732) 223-7114 Ext. 108
> Fax: (732) 223-7116
> Email:
> Web:
> ...Partnering with progressive companies in the quest for exceptional
> talent...

I have only been reading this group for a very short time, so I can't
speak for the group. But it doesn't seem very cohesive, so I doubt you
will encounter organized resistance.

Still, AFAIK, job postings are off-topic in technical groups, and
generally frowned upon.

If the job is not clearly FPGA related, you DEFINITELY should not post
it here.

If you want to play it safe, post the add somewhere else, e.g., craigslist
(which you should use for sure, since it is free), and just put a very
brief link here in the newsgroup to the craigslist ad.

If you are going to take out a paid ad, I recommend the San Jose Mercury
News Sunday classifieds. You can also use the SF Chronicle Sunday
classifieds, if the job is actually in San Francisco or one of the
immediately adjacent cities such as South San Francisco, Brisbane, Daly
City, or Colma. Otherwise just use the Mercury News.

I'm sure you'll get lots of responses.  ;-)


Article: 83679
Subject: Re: Gated clock problem
From: "Wenjun Fu" <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 00:04:11 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thank you for your reply. More details list here: ADI chip work at a clock of 200MHz, FPGA work from 40MHz up to 65MHz. FPGA write and read inner registers of ADI chip through parallel ports, which is the main job of the interface.

ADI chip use WR# signal as the write data latch, and RD# signal as read latch.

Write timing graph:

__________________ | Address | |_________________| | | |---8ns---| ______________ | | | Data | | | |____________| | | | | |3ns | | | | Write __________ _________ __| |________| |__ |--7ns---|

I hope write maximum frequnecy is the same as FPGA clock. So, if the FPGA works at 65MHz, I must drive Write signal by a combinatorial logic of a synchronized enable signal and the FPGA main clock. so, Write and Read is the Gated Clock.

The timing of Address and data, whcih are synchronized with FPGA clock, responds to Write signal is troublesome. It is varies by physical design. And sometimes there are addition pulse on write signal, which come from time delay difference of 2 inputs(one is clock, one is control signal) of the LUT4 vary greatly. Could I use any timing constrains limits the delay difference to an accepted level?

Thanks for your advice.

Article: 83680
Subject: Re: Gated clock problem
From: "Wenjun Fu" <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 00:18:53 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thank you for your reply. More details list here: ADI chip work at a clock of 200MHz, FPGA work from 40MHz up to 65MHz. FPGA write and read inner registers of ADI chip through parallel ports, which is the main job of the interface.

ADI chip use WR# signal as the write data latch, and RD# signal as read latch.

Write timing graph:

----------------- | Address | |----------------| | | |---8ns---| -------------- | | | Data | | | |------------| | | | | |3ns | | | |


---------- --------- __| |________| |__ |--7ns---|

I hope write maximum frequnecy is the same as FPGA clock. So, if the FPGA works at 65MHz, I must drive Write signal by a combinatorial logic of a synchronized enable signal and the FPGA main clock. so, Write and Read is the Gated Clock.

The timing of Address and data, whcih are synchronized with FPGA clock, responds to Write signal is troublesome. It is varies by physical design. And sometimes there are addition pulse on write signal, which come from time delay difference of 2 inputs(one is clock, one is control signal) of the LUT4 vary greatly. Could I use any timing constrains limits the delay difference to an accepted level?

Thanks for your advice.

Article: 83681
Subject: Re: Gated clock problem
From: "Wenjun Fu" <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 00:30:53 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thank you for your advice. I'll try to use DLL to double the FPGA Clock.

But another question, can I use any timing constrains limits the delay difference of 2 inputs of a LUT to an accepted level? How?

Article: 83682
Subject: Re: Xilinx FPU for Virtex-4 over FPU
From: Ben Jones <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 08:45:31 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Laguna_b1,

> I understand that Xilinx will be doing a Floating Point Unit that uses
> the APU interface. I haven't been able to find out how big a foot
> print it will have within a given FPGA. I also don't know what the
> cost will be. 

You are correct - Xilinx will indeed be releasing a Floating-Point Unit
for the PowerPC 405 cores in the Virtex4 FX family, using the
pipeline-coupled APU bus interface. This was demonstrated at the
Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco in March:

As for price, footprint, availability... you have all the information
that's currently available, I'm afraid! I can't offer any further
details at this time. If you're interested, drop me a line with details
of your application.



Article: 83683
Subject: Re: Gated clock problem
From: "Wenjun Fu" <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 01:05:04 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In my application, the designed interface is some alike the RAM interface. FPGA generate the write signal, read signal, address signal, and data signal (when writing), and ADI chip only drive the data signal (when reading). Data Reading not as fast as writing, up to 30 MHz.

For I couldn't draw a timing graph correctly. The timing requusts is :

when writing: Write is low active. The minimum low time of write signal is 2.5ns; the min high time of write signal is 7ns. Address signal setup time refer to write active(falling edge) is ns. Data setup time refer to write inactive(rising edge) is 3 ns.

when reading: Read is low active. Maximum Data delay after address is 15ns; Maximum Data delay after read active (falling edge ) is 15ns; Minimum Address hold time after read inactive(rising edge) is 5 ns. Maximum Data hold time after read inactive(rising edge) is 10 ns.

If still not clear, pls refer to AD9854 data sheet.

Thansk all!

Article: 83684
Subject: Re: Newbie VHDL/FPGA question
From: "" <>
Date: 5 May 2005 01:11:39 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thanks for the replies - you've set me straight on how to view
processes. I'm new to VHDL/FPGAs but its starting to sink in....

Article: 83685
Subject: Re: [Sparan-II] Internal Power-On Reset Block?
From: Markus Meng <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 10:25:01 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Markus Meng schrieb:
> Markus Meng schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> we face a strange problem with our synchronized reset signal coming
>> from the ISA-Bus. It seems that some part of the logic is not
>> functioning correctly after reset-release. However I'am not shure.
>> I would like to implement a digital debounce logic for this reset
>> signal, and for this reason I would like to have part of the
>> logic on reset-ed ONCE after power-up and configuration. Is there
>> a way to connect to this internal power-up reset signal, or shall I 
>> leave the reset connection of such a debounce block always negated
>> by connecting it to permanent '0', for a active '1' reset?
>> Best Regards
>> Markus
>> ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet 
>> News==----
>> The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 
>> 120,000+ Newsgroups
>> ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption 
>> =----
> Coming One Step further, we now have the following situation. The very
> similar Spartan-II design is working perfectly in a clean 3.3Volt ISA
> bus environment. Several thousand test runs using the the synchronized
> Reset logic never produces an error. The card is working as expected.
> The very same card in a 'old' fashioned 5V ISA-Bus System with some
> overshoot on the signals crashes from time to time after RESET. Once
> this crash occurs, there is NO-WAY to reset the FPGA again. It remains
> "kind-of-dead". Only Power-Off and Power-On again can 'solve' this
> deadlock situation...
> The configuration is loaded from an external prom only once after
> power-up. The ISA-Bus reset does not reload the bitstream but resets
> the internal FF to their initial state ...
> Has somebody also seen this kind of strange behavior, where the FPGA
> can not be reseted anymore by subsequent resets. It remains in this
> state until power-off.
> Is this a 5Volt compatibility issue of Spartan-II?
> Best Regards
> Markus
> ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet 
> News==----
> The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ 
> Newsgroups
> ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----

Hi all,

completing this what I started. It has NOT been a Spartan-II IO issue
concerning the 5 Volt compatibility issue of Spartan-II. Spartan-II
works perfect in our legacy ISA Bus environment.

Just in case, this comes up at another place

Have a nice Day

Article: 83686
Subject: Altera SDRam ip core
From: Nick <no-email@published.nul>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 12:03:43 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I interface my Cyclone with a micron SDRam using the Altera SDR SDRAM
Controller but it seems that there is something very wrong in what I

When I send a write command to the controller, what I get on the
output using SignalTap is the write command issued to the SDRAM, but
only 2 clocks later come the data. So the first two word I read are
wrong, and the last two I write are lost.

I think the configuration of the controller and the sdram is right, it
runs at 50 MHz with a CAS of 2 (since it seems from the doc that the
controller cannot do 1)

If you have any idea ...


Article: 83687
Subject: how to constrain this
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Benjamin_Menk=FCc?= <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 13:38:47 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

my pad input clock is 100 MHz (clk_ibufg). I have constrained this to 
period 10 ns. How should I constrain the lvds_tick, which runs at max. 
360 MHz ? Is this done automatically when I constrain clk_ibufg?
Should I constrain the 180 MHz clock too?


dcm2_1 : dcm2 port map (
	CLKIN_IN => clk_ibufg,
	CLKFX_OUT => clk_180m,
	CLKDV_OUT => pixel_clk,
	LOCKED_OUT => lvds_locked,
	CLK0_OUT => open);

dcm3_1: dcm3 PORT MAP(
		CLKIN_IN => clk_180m ,
		RST_IN => not lvds_locked,
		CLK0_OUT => open,
		CLK2X_OUT => lvds_tick,
		LOCKED_OUT => open

Article: 83688
Subject: Re: Does this group allow JobPostings?
From: fred <not@for.mail>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 11:56:46 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In article <
>, EveEllsworth <> writes
>I am a senior technical recruiter with a very reputable firm, Common
>Agenda.  I have postitions to post in the SF Bay Area and very real.
>My client company is actively interviewing.
>Please advise if it is acceptable to post here.

Technical group, no ads please.

If one is allowed, others will follow and the group will be flooded so please

Article: 83689
Subject: Xilinx Prom programming
Date: 5 May 2005 05:05:52 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I'm working with a Xilinx board (Spartan XC3S2000) and I can't program
Flash Eprom. I'm using iMPACT software. I have generated a
configuration file for Eprom and I load it on Eprom. But it doesn't
work. When I disconnect my parallel cable IV and set jumpers, my board
does not read eprom program. Can someone help me please? How have I to
set jumpers?

Article: 83690
Subject: Re: how to constrain this
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Benjamin_Menk=FCc?= <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 14:10:33 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi again,

when I add this constrain, my design doesn't work anymore.

NET "clk" TNM_NET = "clk";
TIMESPEC "TS_clk" = PERIOD "clk" 10 ns HIGH 50 %;

very strange, I don't understand this.

I am a little bit worried about this:

Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'clk'
   Clock period: 14.088ns (frequency: 70.984MHz)
   Total number of paths / destination ports: 3140 / 194
Delay:               4.696ns (Levels of Logic = 14)
   Source:            col_count_0 (FF)
   Destination:       col_count_10 (FF)
   Source Clock:      clk rising 3.0X
   Destination Clock: clk rising 3.0X

   Data Path: col_count_0 to col_count_10
                                 Gate     Net
     Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
     ----------------------------------------  ------------
      FDCPE:C->Q            5   0.419   0.738  col_count_0 (col_count_0)
      LUT4:I0->O            5   0.351   0.738  Ker1511 (CHOICE236)
      LUT3_D:I0->LO         1   0.351   0.000  Ker1541 (N737)
      MUXCY:S->O            1   0.422   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_0 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_1 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_2 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_3 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_4 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_5 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_6 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_7 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_8 
      MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_9 
      MUXCY:CI->O           0   0.044   0.000  col_count_inst_cy_10 
      XORCY:CI->O           1   0.973   0.000  col_count_inst_sum_10 
      FDCPE:D                   0.263          col_count_10
     Total                      4.696ns (3.219ns logic, 1.477ns route)
                                        (68.5% logic, 31.5% route)


Article: 83691
Subject: Re: JTAG communication Problems in Quartus using Signal Tap
From: Markus Knauss <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 13:37:47 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Ben,

thank you very much for your measurements. I would say that the TCK 
signals on my board look exactly identical.

Although I think that these signals look a bit strange because of the 
drop from 3,3V to 2V. For me it seems that the level converter in the
cable is poorly designed.

I have send the waveforms I have measured to altera. As soon as
I get an answer from them I will also post it here in the newsgroup.

The solution for me at the moment ist using Byteblaster MV instead of 
USB Blaster :-(

It can't check the cable with the Nios - Board because I have only got 
the schematics and not the board.

Best regards


> Does this look familiar or is it way off?
> Also, if you have an Altera NIOS board lying around, could you try to
> compare the waveforms between your USB Blaster and the diagram attached?
> If they are way off, you may indeed have a problem with the USB Blaster.
> Best regards,
> Ben
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Article: 83692
Subject: DCM constraints
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Benjamin_Menk=FCc?= <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 14:50:44 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I figured out, that I have to use Place & Route Timings, because the DCM
constraints are not even included in the synthesize timings.

How can I manipulate the automatic DCM constraints? (besides overwriting 
single nets or groups with FROM-TO) Or is there never a reason to 
manipulate them?


Article: 83693
Subject: Re: DCM constraints
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Benjamin_Menk=FCc?= <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 15:40:23 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Group,

I figured out, that the automatic DCM constraints are only generated, if 
I specify the clk input of the first DCM with a manual constraint. Still 
I am wondering a little bit, if I have any impact on the automatic DCM 


Article: 83694
Subject: Re: Xilinx V4 Power Calculations
From: "JD_Design" <>
Date: 5 May 2005 07:21:52 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I am probably not planning on using any of the DSP48 blocks, but I
noticed the same for them (no change over temperature).  Apologies for
the skepticism, but it seems strange to me that I could load up my
device with DCMs, DSP48s, PPC405s and measure the power at room temp
and at high temp and have the difference between those two values be
the same difference I would get if I were using NONE of those resources
in the first place.

Anyway, is there a spreadsheet for power calculations that I can get
that would allow me to both do this analysis offline?



Article: 83695
Subject: System Ace: How many FPGA's in the JTAG chain before require buffers?
From: "jason.stubbs" <>
Date: 5 May 2005 07:25:04 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I am designing a board with 9 Xilinx V4FX60 FPGA's configured via
System Ace CF controller.

Does anyone have any experience regarding the max number of FPGA's in a
JTAG chain that can be succesfully configured?

Was any signal buffering required to acieve this?



Article: 83696
Subject: MicroBlaze latencies
From: "3.14" <>
Date: 5 May 2005 07:25:29 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In "Embedded System Tools Guide" on EDK6.2 say:
".... MicroBlaze requires 2 clock cycles to access on-chip Block RAM
connected to the LMB for
write and 2 clock cycles for read. On chip memory connected to the OPB
bus requires 3
cycles for write and 4 cycles for read...."

I don't understand, request latecies to BRAM = 1 tick.
Request latecies to OPB (from timing waveforms) = 1 tick, if "Ack"
signal generate with read strobe. 

PS sorry for bad english

Article: 83697
Subject: found out why, still some questions
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Benjamin_Menk=FCc?= <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 16:26:18 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I know a little bit of the answer already by now. It is because, the DCM 
  auto constraints were not there, before I added the clk constraint.

Is it possible to get the DCM auto constraints into the synthesize 
constraints? At the moment they are only in the Post and Place 
constraints, so synthesize doesn't optimize according to the DCM 

Next question:
My lvds clock runs at 360 MHz now. However the Hsync and Vsync logic 
only needs to be updated every 7 cycles. At the beginning (see upper 
post) I had errors, complaining that the logic wasn't fast enough. I 
knew that, therefore I start the hsync and vsync calculations in cycle 
3, but I need them only in cycle 1 (it goes 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-0, the signal 
is called lvds_div). I have attached the process.

My solution is this: I have put all the col and row lines into a group, 
and set the from-to constraint to 5ns (equals about 2 lvds cycles).

INST "row_count_0" TNM = "sync_logic_grp";
INST "col_count_0" TNM = "sync_logic_grp";
TIMESPEC "TS_sync_logic_grp" = FROM "sync_logic_grp" TO "sync_logic_grp" 
5 ns;

It would be nice to know, how a fpga veteran would do this, my 
methodology is probably not the best yet. Can I do something with a 
period constraint on the row and col signals?

My route process has become very slow after these constraints, it goes 
now up to phase 25. Is there a way to get it faster again?

Thanks for Your help!


process (lvds_tick,screen_reset)
if screen_reset='1' then
	col_count <= 0;
	row_count<= 0;
	DTMG <= '0'; -- pixel data enable
	VSYNC <= '0';
	HSYNC <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(lvds_tick) then
	if lvds_div = 3 then			
			case col_count is
				when num_col - 1  =>		
					DTMG <= '0';
					if row_count = num_row -1 then
					elsif row_count = num_row+1  then
						VSYNC <='0';
					end if;
					HSYNC <= '1';
				when num_col + 28 =>
					HSYNC <= '0';
				when others =>
			end case;
			if col_count = num_col + 68 then
				col_count <= 0;
				if row_count < num_row -1 then
				end if;
				if row_count = num_row + 2 then
					row_count <= 0;				
					row_count <= row_count +1; 								end if;
				col_count <= col_count +1;
			end if;			
	end if;
end if;
end process;

Article: 83698
Subject: Re: Availability of the Xilinx ML481 Development Board
From: "Kevin Brown" <>
Date: 5 May 2005 07:30:11 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the info. I'm still a little confused though. Is this board
expected to be purchased by customers?


Article: 83699
Subject: Re: I got it!
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Benjamin_Menk=FCc?= <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 16:36:41 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi John,

the clock is actually 360 MHz divided by 7. It's an asyncronous clock 
like this "--___--". However the data goes at 360 MHz SDR. I have to use 
SDR, because the LCD doesn't support DDR.


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