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Messages from 88025

Article: 88025
Subject: Re: Good intro books on OFDM?
Date: 6 Aug 2005 05:47:22 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

whatisofdm wrote:
> I'm a digital ASIC engineer looking for some *beginner*
> (not reference/advanced!) books on Orthogonal Frequency
> Division Multiplexing (OFDM.)  Well, hopefully such a book exists?
> The book I already have "Multi-carrier Digital Communications:
> Theory and Applications of OFDM" (by Bahai, Saltzberg, and
> Ergen) seems a bit beyond me.  It's a great reference
> for researchers, but as you've probably guessed, it's difficult
> for math-challenged engineers like myself to put that into
> practice.

Van Nee and Prasad
"OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communcations"
ISBN  0-89006-530-6

Good luck,

Article: 88026
Subject: How to properly use Analyzer, ILA ChipScopePro
From: "pasacco" <>
Date: 6 Aug 2005 07:32:20 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I need some help on ChipScope Pro.

I implemented simple processing element(PE) and directly connected the
PE with BRAM (RAMB16_S36). Job of this PE is
- to read 4 numbers 3,4,1,2 (each stored in address
0000,0001,0002,0003, respectively) from BRAM.
- sort them.
- store 1 ->2 ->3 ->4 in BRAM (each stored in address

Both of the functional (Modelsim) and the post-synthesis timing
simulation (Modelsim,XST,ISE6.3i) are okay. Problem is to verify the
design after downloading into the device (V2pro).

Problem is that

In Analyzer, the wavefrom is always "0100", which is the last sorted
number. I am trying possible configuration but I could not see the
waveform "1->2->3->4. I think this is possibly because of the improper
setting in ILA and Analyzer.

If someone helps me with this troubleshooting, it will be appreciated.

Thankyou in advance. Regards.

The configuration for the (ILA,ICON,VIO) core generation is the
- 2 control ports
- 2 input trigger ports
- Trig0 : 2  bit wide, 1 match unit, basic w/edge type
- Trig1 : 16 bit wide, 1 match unit, basic type
- 4 bit wide data
- 1 bit wide asynchronous input
- 7 bit wide asynchronous ouput

* Analyzer
- Match function M0 == R1 , M1 == 000A
- Trigger condition == M0 and M1
- Windows and position=0

library ieee;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- Top Entity
entity PE_MEM_Direct is
port( clk    : in  std_logic;
      sorted : out std_logic  );
end PE_MEM_Direct;

architecture TB_ARCHITECTURE of PE_MEM_Direct is

--  User Design : Processing element component declaration
component PE
  en:      in  std_logic; -- PE enable
  clock:   in  std_logic;
  reset:   in  std_logic;
  Din:     in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data input
  ce:      out std_logic; -- Memory chip enable
  r:       out std_logic; -- 'read' memory
  w:       out std_logic; -- 'write' memory
  addr:    out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Address
  Dout:    out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Data out
  sorted:  out std_logic  );
end component;

signal T_enPE,T_reset,T_ce,T_r,T_w,T_sorted: std_logic;
signal T_dinPE,T_dout: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal T_addrPE: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

--  BRAM : component declaration
component RAMB16_S36
generic (
port (
  DO:   out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
  DOP:  out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
  ADDR: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 downto 0);
  DI:   in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
  DIP:  in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
  EN:   in STD_ULOGIC;
  WE:   in STD_ULOGIC);
end component;

signal T_we,T_enMem,T_ssr: std_logic;
signal T_addrMem: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal T_dinMem,T_DO: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal T_dip,T_dop: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

--  ICON core component declaration
component icon
  ( control0    :   out std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
    control1    :   out std_logic_vector(35 downto 0) );
end component;

--  ICON core signal declarations
signal control0       : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal control1       : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);

--  ILA core component declaration
component ila
( control     : in    std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
  clk         : in    std_logic;
  data        : in    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  trig0       : in    std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  trig1       : in    std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)  );
end component;

--  ILA core signal declarations
signal data       : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal trig0      : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal trig1      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

--  VIO core component declaration
component vio
( control     : in    std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
  async_in    : in    std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
  async_out   : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) );
end component;

--  VIO core signal declarations
signal async_in   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal async_out  : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);


--  User Design and BRAM instantiation
 UUT : PE  port map
(T_enPE, clk, T_reset, T_dinPE, T_ce, T_r, T_w, T_addrPE, T_dout,

 R1 : RAMB16_S36 port map
(T_DO, T_dop, T_addrMem, clk, T_dinMem, T_dip, T_enMem, T_ssr, T_we);

--  Interface logic between PE and BRAM

sorted <= T_sorted; -- connection between memory and processor
T_dinPE <= T_DO;
T_enMem <= T_ce;
T_addrMem <= T_addrPE(8 downto 0);
T_dinMem <= T_dout;

  if T_ce='1' and T_w='1' and T_r='0' then
     T_we <= '1';
  else T_we <='0';
  end if;
end process;

--  ICON core instance
i_icon : icon
port map
( control0    => control0,
  control1    => control1  );

--  ILA core instance
-- Trigger signals
trig0(0) <= T_ce;      -- Memory chip enable
trig0(1) <= T_w;       -- Write

-- Address bus (16 bit)
trig1(0)  <= T_addrPE(0);
trig1(1)  <= T_addrPE(1);
trig1(2)  <= T_addrPE(2);
trig1(3)  <= T_addrPE(3);
trig1(4)  <= T_addrPE(4);
trig1(5)  <= T_addrPE(5);
trig1(6)  <= T_addrPE(6);
trig1(7)  <= T_addrPE(7);
trig1(8)  <= T_addrPE(8);
trig1(9)  <= T_addrPE(9);
trig1(10) <= T_addrPE(10);
trig1(11) <= T_addrPE(11);
trig1(12) <= T_addrPE(12);
trig1(13) <= T_addrPE(13);
trig1(14) <= T_addrPE(14);
trig1(15) <= T_addrPE(15);

-- Data capture
data(0) <= T_dout(0);
data(1) <= T_dout(1);
data(2) <= T_dout(2);
data(3) <= T_dout(3);

i_ila : ila
port map
( control   => control0,
  clk       => clk,
  data      => data,
  trig0     => trig0,
  trig1     => trig1   );

--  VIO core instance
-- 7 outputs for VIO :
  T_enPE    <= async_out(0);
  T_reset   <= async_out(1);
  T_ssr     <= async_out(2);
  T_dip(0)  <= async_out(3);
  T_dip(1)  <= async_out(4);
  T_dip(2)  <= async_out(5);
  T_dip(3)  <= async_out(6);
end process;

-- This is the way I drive the internal signal
async_out(0) <= '1';	-- 'en'
async_out(1) <= '0';	-- 'reset'
async_out(2) <= '0';	-- 'ssr'
async_out(3) <= '1';	-- 'dip(0)'
async_out(4) <= '1';	-- 'dip(1)'
async_out(5) <= '1';	-- 'dip(2)'
async_out(6) <= '1';	-- 'dip(3)'

---- 1 Input for VIO
async_in(0) <= T_dout(0);

i_vio : vio
port map
( control   => control1,
  async_in  => async_in,
  async_out => async_out  );

Article: 88027
Subject: Re: Free 8 bit micro for fpga
From: dave <dave@dave.dave>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 16:42:36 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jon Beniston wrote:
> I'm struggling to see that, when it appears you can use the design
> without distributing the source.
> Cheers,
> Jon

I get it:

"Who are Lattice?"
"Lattice? Oh they released that free 8bit IP core"
"Oh you mean free like the PPC402 and Pico/MicroBlaze IPs..."
"No, the Lattice core is vendor independent...."
"Oh..... Danish?"
"No, just a cookie, I'm watching my diet"

Article: 88028
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: Fred Abse <>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 20:38:10 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 00:12:48 -0700, usenet_10 wrote:

> You mean the ones with de devision bug inside?
 And the F00F bug

"Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference
is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more
durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it."
                                             (Stephen Leacock)

Article: 88029
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: John Larkin <>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 20:34:38 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 13:25:29 GMT, "Genome" <>

><> wrote in message
>> What?
>Go ride a bike. Turn a corner.
>Now start thinking about/analysing what you are doing. Turn a corner.

Good way to get killed.


Article: 88030
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: Jerry Avins <>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 23:48:38 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Genome wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> .....
> Go ride a bike. Turn a corner.
> Now start thinking about/analysing what you are doing. Turn a corner.

The centipede was happy (quite!)
Until the toad for spite
Asked, "Pray; which leg comes after which?"

That threw his soul in such a pitch
He lay distracted in a ditch,
Considering how to run.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.

Article: 88031
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: (Hal Murray)
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 23:22:44 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
>I've been named "system architect" on more than one project, and I've
>always been profoundly grateful to the folks that have caught out my
>errors.  I always let folks know this, too -- and not just the folks
>finding my errors, but their managers as well.  At worst the equation
>goes like this: I do something stupid, you notice and don't say
>anything; we both look bad.  Alternately: I do something stupid, you
>point it out, we both fix it; we both look good.

Praise the messenger!

Make sure the rest of the group hears the praise, not just his manager.

>The best thing about this attitude is that it is one of the areas where,
>with the right PR, ethical behavior and selfish behavior march hand in
>hand.  When I can say "Ralph found an error in my system design, I did
>some analysis and found out that my integrator wasn't nearly deep enough
>for the modified filter" then the project wins because an error has been
>fixed, Ralph wins because he's gotten credit for finding a problem, I
>win because I found a solution, _and_ I win because an embarrassing
>problem with my design was found at an early stage instead of in front
>of some Major in procurement who really wanted to buy the competitor's
>product instead.

Many years (10?) ago, my boss handed me a paper titled "Bugs are Good" by
Doug Clark.  Scribbled on it was "must read".  I haven't been able to
find it online, but it's easy to find references to it.  (We were all
working for DEC/Digital at the time.)

The main theme, at least as I remember it, is that you should praise
the people who find bugs.  It take a group-culture approach to
understand the logic.  Finding bugs today is better than having them
find you tomorrow.

The other half is that you want other people to check your work.
They have a different point of view.  They won't make the same
errors/blunders that you made.  (hopefully)

The mail server is located in California.  So are all my
other mailboxes.  Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

The mail server is located in California.  So are all my
other mailboxes.  Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

Article: 88032
Subject: anybody knows where i can get the fibre channel ip core
From: "zengya" <>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 15:05:08 +0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I am trying to develop the LANs which need to implement the hareware layer,
can anybody tell me where and how can i get it?

Article: 88033
Subject: Xilinx V4 & DDR2 Memory Interface
From: "Enzo Guerra" <>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 07:34:16 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
i'm designing a board with a Xilinx XC4VFX12-11SF363C and DDR2 memory 
following the design used in Virtex-4 ML461 Memory Interfaces Development 
Board User Guide [ug079].pdf as a general guideline
the question i have is regarding the signal termination for the 
bidirectional signals
the guide recommends
FPGA Driver            Termination at FPGA            Termination at Memory

SSTL18_II                50 ohms pull up to 0.9V            50 ohms pull up 
to 0.9V

but one could also use

FPGA Driver                            Termination at FPGA 
Termination at Memory

DIFF_SSTL_II_18_DCI           No termination                        50 ohms 
pull up to 0.9V

so i can save placing the required pull up resistors near the fpga

but if the memory components are close to the fpga

can i safely remove the memory component pull up resistors?



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Article: 88034
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: Jerry Avins <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 10:06:05 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jerry Avins wrote:


The centipede was happy (quite!) until the toad in fun
     Asked, "Pray; which leg comes after which?"
     That threw his soul in such a pitch
     He lay distracted in a ditch,
Considering how to run.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.

Article: 88035
Subject: Re: Xilinx V4 & DDR2 Memory Interface
From: "austin" <>
Date: 7 Aug 2005 08:26:06 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

You need to run a signal integrity simulation to answer your question.


Article: 88036
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: Adrian Spilca <>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 15:59:37 +0000 (UTC)
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jeremy Stringer wrote:

> Jim Thompson wrote:
>> On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 07:59:08 -0400, "Clay S. Turner"
>> <> wrote:
>> Yes, But certainly not the one who made P4's slower than P3's, for
>> numerical operations.
> Isn't that clock for clock?  My understanding was that they had to make
> architectural changes in order to be able to run the things at a higher
> frequency..
> JEremy

Either that, or Intel employed more of the cheap workforce, relied heavily
on automated tools and procedures and used less of the expensive brains.


Article: 88037
Subject: Re: Xilinx V4 & DDR2 Memory Interface
From: Bob Perlman <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 16:48:48 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Enzo - 

DDR2 SDRAMs have something called on-die termination, or ODT.  Each DQ
and DQS line has a Thevenin terminator that can be enabled during
writes; if the DIMM has two ranks of SDRAMs, you'll have two lines.
You'll need a timing signal(s) to enable/disable ODT, but you should
be able to dispense with discrete terminations at the DIMM.

Of course, it always pays to simulate. 

Bob Perlman
Cambrian Design Works

On Sun, 7 Aug 2005 07:34:16 -0400, "Enzo Guerra" <>

>i'm designing a board with a Xilinx XC4VFX12-11SF363C and DDR2 memory 
>following the design used in Virtex-4 ML461 Memory Interfaces Development 
>Board User Guide [ug079].pdf as a general guideline
>the question i have is regarding the signal termination for the 
>bidirectional signals
>the guide recommends
>FPGA Driver            Termination at FPGA            Termination at Memory
>SSTL18_II                50 ohms pull up to 0.9V            50 ohms pull up 
>to 0.9V
>but one could also use
>FPGA Driver                            Termination at FPGA 
>Termination at Memory
>DIFF_SSTL_II_18_DCI           No termination                        50 ohms 
>pull up to 0.9V
>so i can save placing the required pull up resistors near the fpga
>but if the memory components are close to the fpga
>can i safely remove the memory component pull up resistors?
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> The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
>----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----

Article: 88038
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: Richard Owlett <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 14:23:16 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jerry Avins wrote:

> Jerry Avins wrote:
> Reprise:
> The centipede was happy (quite!) until the toad in fun
>     Asked, "Pray; which leg comes after which?"
>     That threw his soul in such a pitch
>     He lay distracted in a ditch,
> Considering how to run.
> Jerry

Is that Kipling or other? Just 'know' I've seen it before.

Article: 88039
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: John Larkin <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 12:29:01 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On 3 Aug 2005 07:47:42 -0700, wrote:

>Hello, I couldn't find a single newsgroup to post my question, but I
>needed a good group of people to post my question to. So let me
>apologize if you don't think should be in your newsgroup.  My question
>is regarding the value (or importance) of System Engineering practices
>in the R/D World. I work for the government and there are about 40
>people in my branch. We do a lot of R/D projects as well as projects
>for the testing groups. I would like to know from people in the R/D
>world how important do you feel System Engineering practices are on
>your job? Many of my co-workers say, "oh that's for really big
>programs, we don't do that hear". Do you agree? Some believe System
>engineering only pertains to the integration of the pieces of the
>design. To me that is only part of SE, there's so much more. Without
>being long winded, can those who work in the R/D world, could you
>please give your opinions of SE in your workplace? Is it important or a
>waste of time? What practices do you feel are necessary? Is SE only for
>the production people? I appreciate any responses and hope I don't
>offend anyone for posting my question. My intention is to gain enough
>information to convince my coworkers to use some of the SE practices
>I've read about.

Just curious: did you also post your original query to the newsgroup?


Article: 88040
Subject: Re: System Engineering in the R/D World
From: Jerry Avins <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 15:46:32 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Richard Owlett wrote:
> Jerry Avins wrote:
>> Jerry Avins wrote:
>> Reprise:
>> The centipede was happy (quite!) until the toad in fun
>>     Asked, "Pray; which leg comes after which?"
>>     That threw his soul in such a pitch
>>     He lay distracted in a ditch,
>> Considering how to run.
>> Jerry
> Is that Kipling or other? Just 'know' I've seen it before.

Out of my dim past.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.

Article: 88041
Subject: NIOS Small C library
From: Pratip Mukherjee <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 15:25:15 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Can anybody please tell me where can I find the documentation on the list 
of functions included in the Small version of NIOS C library (newlib)? 
Altera's documentation really not helping me.

Article: 88042
Subject: power of two multiplier
From: mk<kal*@dspia.*comdelete>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 21:28:56 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
In the error update path of an adaptive filter I am implementing a
power of two multiplier; I am converting the full binary error to the
next higher magnitude power of two which then gets encoded to a sign
and shift count. So the multiplication is a barrel shift and a sign
change if necessary. So far this has a trivial verilog implementation
but both the RTL and the gate level output reads as if there can be
some interesting optimizations. I am currently using a special code to
represent errors of exactly zero and a mux after the shifter to
generate multiplication by zero. Anyone has done a similar update path
or multiplier? Any ideas, tricks which I can use to reduce the
critical path/area ?


Article: 88043
Subject: if you or your friend have design experience about USB2.0 OTG and 10G Ethernet,plz contact us:
Date: 7 Aug 2005 14:32:52 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
if you or your friend have design experience about USB2.0 OTG and 10G
Ethernet,plz contact us: 
i have project cooperate

Article: 88044
Subject: AS Assembler support for Lattice Mico8
From: Jim Granville <>
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 10:35:20 +1200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
  Alfred Arnold has kindly added support for the new Lattice Mico8 
OpenSource soft CPU,

to his OpenSource AS assembler.
  Download bin & source from

  AS is a multi-target macro assembler, non linking, ideal for small uC

  AS also supports the PicoBlaze, which is quite similar [in 18 bit 
opcode variant] to the 18 bit opcode Mico8.

AS supports INC Rn, and DEC Rn , which map onto addi Rn,1 etc

AS allows
  and  Rn,Rm   and also
  and  Rn,0x33,
(same as PicoBlaze) in addition to the mico8 separate immediate mnemonic.
  andi  Rn,0x33


Article: 88045
Subject: circular buffer(its urgent)
From: (ravindra kalla)
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 19:15:57 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

i m doing project on image processing.For that i need to store pixel
value of any frame in memory. I read from one journal that there is 
one circular read address generator which is used to generate physical
address from logical address this help to reduce the size of memory. 

I have to store 30*32 pixel in memory.NOW for that i have to generate
physical address for those memory location.THey suggest circular read
address generator for this. 

But i never read about circular read address generato.So please
anybody tell me about this generator. 
Is it possible to reduce memory size using this method.

Article: 88046
Subject: Spartan-3: Own P&R, generate bitstream from
From: "Tobias Weihmann" <>
Date: 7 Aug 2005 17:55:03 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I'm new to Spartan-3, before I only worked on the legacy XC6216 FPGA. I
am trying to port a university project over to a modern FPGA platform.

I assume that the full details of the Spartan-3 bitstream are not
published beyond what is described in XApp452 (XC6216 bitstream was
fully published).

Also I assume that it is possible to damage the FPGA using invalid
bitstreams (as opposed to the XC6216).

I want to generate a placed & routed design using my own custom
algorithms and then upload it to the Spartan-3, without resorting to
PAR tools and such.

At what point would I have to enter the workflow? Convert my design to
NCD files? (Most likely, the NCD format is closed as well?)

Thank you, Tobias

Article: 88047
Subject: FPGA 2006 - Call for Papers - Now Accepting Submissions
From: "Guy Lemieux" <>
Date: 7 Aug 2005 19:02:37 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I'd like to bring to your attention FOUR important items:

FPGA 2006:
1) NEW - Online Submission is now open (
2) REMINDER - FPGA 2006 Call for Papers (Sept 23)

Upcoming "Special Issue on FPGA" journal submissions:
3) REMINDER - J. of Microprocessors and Microsystems (Sept 15)
4) NEW - EURASIP J. on Embedded Systems (Dec 15)

More details for items 2,3 and 4 are provided below.

Prof. Guy Lemieux
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada


                    FPGA 2006: Call for Papers

          Fourteenth ACM/SIGDA International Symposium
                on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

                      Hyatt Regency Hotel
                      Monterey, California
                      February 22-24, 2006

The ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
is the premier conference for presentation of advances in all areas
to FPGA technology. For FPGA 2006, we are soliciting submissions
novel research and developments in the following (and related) areas of

  FPGA Architecture: Novel logic block and routing architectures,
  combination of FPGA fabric and system blocks (processors, memories,
  etc.), new commercial architectures, impact of modern and future
  technologies (including ultra-deep submicron and nanometer scale)
  on the design of FPGA's (e.g. soft errors, leakage, power density,
  fabrication defects).

  Circuit Design for FPGAs: Novel FPGA circuits and circuit-level

  CAD for FPGAs: Placement, routing, retiming, logic optimization,
  technology mapping, system-level partitioning, logic generators,
  and verification, CAD for FPGA-based accelerators, CAD for
  FPGA design and on-line design mapping and optimization.

  High-level abstractions, tools, and systems for FPGAs:
  and domain-specific models, languages, tools, and techniques that
  facilitate the design, development, debugging, verification, and
  deployment of large-scale and high-performance FPGA-based
  and systems.

  FPGA-based and FPGA-like computing engines: Compiled accelerators,
  reconfigurable computing, adaptive computing devices, systems and

  Rapid-prototyping: Fast prototyping for system-level design and logic

  Applications: Innovative use of FPGAs, exploitation of FPGA features
  architectures, uses of FPGAs to achieve high-performance, low-power,
  high-reliability, FPGA-optimized DSP techniques, novel uses of
  reconfiguration, FPGA-based cores.

Authors are invited to submit English language PDF of their paper (10
pages maximum) and panel proposals by September 23, 2005. Notification
of acceptance will be sent by November 21, 2004. The authors of
papers will be required to submit the final camera-ready copy by
December 19, 2004. A proceedings of the accepted papers will be
by ACM, and included in the Annual ACM/SIGDA CD-ROM Compendium

Address questions to:
  Andre' DeHon, Program Chair FPGA 2006
  Dept. of CS, 256-80, CALTECH
  Pasadena, CA 91125
  Phone : (626) 395-6569
  Email :

Organizing Committee
  General Chair: Steve Wilton, University of British Columbia
  Program Chair: Andre' DeHon, California Institute of Technology
  Finance Chair: Herman Schmit, Tabula
  Publicity Chair: Guy Lemieux, University of British Columbia


                     Call for Papers

         Special Issue on FPGA-based Reconfigurable Computing
             Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems

Recent advances in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) make
computing possible that the boundary between hardware and software is
Some of the computation extensive code can be shifted directly to
either through on-line and off-line mapping. Performance will be
enhanced especially in systems such as scientific computing, multimedia
applications, computer security, etc.

The purpose of this special issue is to provide a unique scientific
opportunity for researchers, engineers, vendors, and designers to
recent advances in this important area of reconfigurable computing and
applications using FPGAs.  Topics include, but not limited to, the

FPGA Technologies
"       FPGA architectures
"       New algorithms for space reduction
"       Placement and routing techniques
"       Partial Reconfiguration
"       Reconfigurable computing
"       Evolvable Hardware
"       FPGA Nanotechnology

High Performance Computing using FPGAs
"       Scientific computing
"       Image processing
"       Software testing and debugging
"       Just-in-time compilation
"       System-on-chip Solutions
"       Power-aware design
"       Arithmetic computation
"       Tools
"       Networking
"       Security

Submissions will be evaluated on Novelty, Generality, Significance,
and Support criteria. We invite the submission of full length papers to
special issue that will details the state-of-the-art technology and
in FPGAs and reconfigurable computing.

Important Dates:
"       Paper submission deadline: Sep. 15, 2005
"       Notification of the first review: Oct. 30, 2005.
"       Revisions due:  Nov. 30, 2005.
"       Final notice of acceptance: Dec. 15, 2005.
"       Final version manuscripts due: Jan. 15, 2006.
"       Special issue to appear: Early 2006.

Instructions to the authors:

Guest Editors
J. Morris Chang
Department of Electrical & Computer Eng.
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A.

Chia-Tien Dan Lo
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.


EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems

   Special Issue on

   Field-Programmable Gate Arrays in Embedded Systems

   Call for Papers

  Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are increasingly used
  in embedded systems to achieve high performance in a compact
  area. FPGAs are particularly well suited to processing data
  straight from sensors in embedded systems. More importantly,
  the reconfigurable aspects of FPGAs give the circuits the
  versatility to change their functionality based on processing
  requirements for different phases of an application, and for
  deploying new functionality.

  Modern FPGAs integrate many different resources on a single chip.
  Embedded processors (both hard and soft cores), multipliers, RAM
  blocks, and DSP units are all available along with reconfigurable
  logic. Applications can use these heterogeneous resources to
  several different functions on a single piece of silicon. This makes
  FPGAs particularly well suited to embedded applications.

  This special issue focuses on applications that clearly show the
  of using FPGAs in embedded applications, as well as on design tools
  enable such applications. Specific topics of interest include the use
  of reconfiguration in embedded applications, hardware/software
  targeting FPGAs, power-aware FPGA design, design environments for
  system signalling and protocols used by FPGAs in embedded
  and system-level design targeting modern FPGA's heterogeneous

  Papers on other applicable topics will also be considered. All papers
  should address FPGA-based systems that are appropriate for embedded
  applications. Papers on subjects outside of this scope (i.e., not
  suitable for embedded applications) will not be considered.

  Authors should follow the EURASIP JES' manuscript format
  described at the journal's web site: .
  Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their
  complete manuscript through the EURASIP JES' manuscript
  tracking system at the journal's web site, according to the
  following timetable.

  Manuscript Due           December 15, 2005
  Acceptance Notification  May 1, 2006
  Final Manuscript Due     August 1, 2006
  Publication Date         4th Quarter, 2006


Miriam Leeser, Northeastern University, USA;

Scott Hauck, University of Washington, USA;

Russell Tessier, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA;

Article: 88048
Subject: Re: Good intro books on OFDM?
From: (Axil Frawley)
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 02:36:30 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 03:30:30 GMT, "whatisofdm"
<> wrote:

>I'm a digital ASIC engineer looking for some *beginner*
>(not reference/advanced!) books on Orthogonal Frequency
>Division Multiplexing (OFDM.)  Well, hopefully such a book exists?
>The book I already have "Multi-carrier Digital Communications:
>Theory and Applications of OFDM" (by Bahai, Saltzberg, and
>Ergen) seems a bit beyond me.  It's a great reference
>for researchers, but as you've probably guessed, it's difficult
>for math-challenged engineers like myself to put that into

  what ever you do, avoid buying "OFDM Wireless LANs" by 
Heiskala & Terry.

I have never, in 20 years, seen a book with more 
typographical errors and gross technical mistakes.

After re-rereading the the "glowing" 
"reviews" for this book I now think 70%-90% of the reviews 
were written by one, or both, of 
the authors.  I bought this crappy book and I wasted my 

Keep away from this book, or you'll be sorry.



Article: 88049
Subject: Re: Good intro books on OFDM?
From: Jerry Avins <>
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 23:08:45 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Axil Frawley wrote:


> After re-rereading the the "glowing" 
> "reviews" for this book I now think 70%-90% of the reviews 
> were written by one, or both, of 
> the authors.  I bought this crappy book and I wasted my 
> money.
> Keep away from this book, or you'll be sorry.


Have you written a review of your own?

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.

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